
Committed to bringing revolutionary play products and imaginative sensory interactives to the marketplace, every WonderWorx® creation is designed to foster inspiring, educational and cooperative fun. First gaining attention for their groundbreaking playground inventions, the folks at WonderWorx have a long history of exceeding norms as to design expertise, materials' quality, and craftsmanship. These standards bring a new level of innovation and creativity to the playground equipment and site amenity industry.

International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) is a non-profit, member-driven, international trade organization. WonderWorx play equipment has been designed to meet IPEMA standards.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is a scientific and technical organization that is a major developer of standards for testing of materials. WonderWorx inventions meet ASTM standards.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is a governmental organization that provides technical safety guidelines for designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining public playgrounds. WonderWorx has followed these guidelines.